The Chrome extension takes control of the new tab feature by redirecting it to a custom newtab.html

I have a website where users can adjust their site preferences, including enabling night mode. To enhance the user experience, I developed a Chrome extension for that transforms Chrome's new tab with a custom newtab.html file. My goal is to synchronize the new tab appearance with the user's chosen preferences stored in a cookie on, such as activating night mode through CSS adjustments.

In my manifest file, I specified the necessary permissions:

"permissions": [ "*://*/*", "http://*/*", "https://*/*", "", "tabs", "cookies", "contextMenus", "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking", "webNavigation", "activeTab", "storage", "alarms" ]

Within newtab.html, I included the following script:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/newtab.js"></script>

The content of newtab.js consists of the code snippet below:

var cookie = chrome.cookies.get({url: "", name: "preferences"}); 

However, an error message appears in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Error in invocation of cookies.get(object details, function callback): No matching signature.

I am seeking assistance in understanding what I may be doing incorrectly. How can I successfully retrieve the cookie from within the newtab.html page to dynamically modify its CSS?

Thank you for your anticipated support and guidance in resolving this issue.

Answer №1

chrome.cookies.get() utilizes a callback as the second parameter due to its potential delay in returning a result. The issue arises when the function provided as the second parameter is undefined (which occurs when no second parameter is passed), causing a mismatch with the required callback function signature. To resolve this error, consider implementing the following approach:

chrome.cookies.get({url: "", name: "preferences"}, cookie => {
  console.log('received cookie:', cookie);

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