The Chrome browser on iOS does not fire the Image onLoad event

In my web application, I am utilizing Scala.js and d3.js (scala-js-d3) to generate an SVG. However, I have encountered a problem with the background image not triggering the load event when using Chrome on iOS (iPhone), even though it works fine on Windows.

This is how I insert the background image:"#backgroundImg")
  .attr("id", "graphBackgroundImage")
  .attr("width", "1954px")
  .attr("height", "1532px")
  .attr("xlink:href", "img/maps/map.png")
  // TODO this load event does not trigger on iOS!
  .on("load", (_: EventTarget) => { println("image loaded") } : Unit)
  .on("error", (_: EventTarget) => { prinltn("an error has occurred") } : Unit)

When tested on Windows, the above code generates the following svg dom element (and all functions as expected):

<g id="backgroundImg">
  <image id="graphBackgroundImage" width="1954px" height="1532px" xlink:href="img/maps/map.png"></image>

Debugging on iPhone has proven challenging, but I have observed that the message image loaded is not logged when using Chrome on iOS (and there are no an error has occurred logs either).

Answer №1

If you're looking for more information on this topic (excluding scala JS), check out this link: Helpful Resource

Another resource that might be useful can be found here: Useful Link

The key to solving the problem was identifying "css properties specifying 'pointer events'".

Could you please share the URL for review? I have another potential solution in mind, but I'll need to examine more of the code first.

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