The button contains a clickable link inside it, however the button itself is not clickable

I am encountering an issue with a button that contains a link. Whenever I hover over the button, the cursor changes as expected, but clicking on the button itself does not trigger any action. Instead, I have to click on the link inside the button to redirect. How can I modify my code so that the entire button is clickable and not just the internal link?

<button class="alert alert-primary" role="alert" style="margin:30px;" onclick="window.location.href=''">
       Click Me!

Answer №1

To navigate to a different website, you can employ the Onclick button event.

 <button onclick="window.location.href=''"></button>

Answer №2

Essentially, the issue is that without any content inside the anchor tag to click on (such as text, icon, or image), it won't lead you anywhere.

If you test out the code provided below, it will direct you to the link specified in the "href" attribute of the anchor tag when clicked.

<button class="alert alert-primary" role="alert" style="margin: 30px;" > <a href="" style="text-decoration: none;">Search on Google</a> </button>

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