The border on the right side of the accordion does not continue down

After creating an HTML page with an accordion in one div and a menu in another, I added a simple border styling to the right side of the menu using CSS properties like height, border-right-width, border-right-style, and border-right-color.


Although everything seemed to be working fine, I noticed that when I expanded an accordion header, the border did not expand along with it (despite setting the height to 100%). The reason for this is that I cannot apply the border style directly to the accordion itself due to the code hiding it by default. JSFiddle To see the issue with the border not extending when expanding "section 3" on the accordion, please visit the provided link.

Answer №1

If you're looking to solve your issue, there are a couple of methods that can help.

Option 1:

You can eliminate the right border from #menus and add a left border to div.accordion like this:

.accordion {border-left:2px solid #F00;}

Check out the demonstration on this Fiddle link.

Option 2:

Alternatively, using JavaScript, you can calculate the height of the accordion and apply that same height to div#menus when the click event occurs on accordion divs. Here's an example code snippet:


However, keep in mind: implementing the second approach might lead to complications that require changing your HTML structure.

Therefore, I believe sticking with the first method would be the best solution for your situation.

Answer №2

I trust that this is what you were looking for in your query:

Swap out your current CSS with the following:

.accordion {
 color: #AAA;
 padding: 0px;

This will extend the border to cover 100% of the div's right side.

To add a border around the menus, use the code snippet below:



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