The attribute 'checked' is not a valid property for the 'TElement' type

  • Learning about typescript is new to me.
  • I have a functional prototype in fiddle, where there are no errors if I use this code.

  • But in typescript, when I utilize this line - if(this.checked){ it presents an error [ts] Property 'checked' does not exist on type 'TElement'.

  • Could you guide me on how to resolve this so that I can handle it myself in the future?
  • I am including relevant code below and the complete code in the gist provided here:

 $(document).on('change', '#playerFlagCheck', function () {

            if(this.checked){ //[ts] Property 'checked' does not exist on type 'TElement'.
                alert("I am inside if");
                alert("I am inside else");


Answer №1

Your event handler is creating a new context, learn more about it here. As a result, the reference to this no longer points to the controller itself.

To resolve this issue, try the following solution:

const vm = this;
$(document).on('change', '#playerFlagCheck', function () {
   if(vm.checked) {
       alert("I am inside if");
     } else {
       alert("I am inside else");
       if(!$('#editIconplayer').hasClass("gridUpdateIcon")) {


Answer №2

Give it a shot. It's recommended to utilize prop or attr as well.

 $(document).on('change', '#playerFlagCheck', function () {
       if($(this).is(':checked')) {
           alert("Executing code within the 'if' statement");
         } else {
           alert("Executing code within the 'else' statement");
           if(!$('#editIconplayer').hasClass("gridUpdateIcon")) {


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