The area beneath the footer is devoid of content

While working on my webpage, I noticed that some pages have extra white space below the footer. However, when I refresh the page, the extra space disappears.

This issue seems to affect almost all of my pages except for Home and Contact Us.

To troubleshoot, I tried using Inspect Element on both Chrome and Firefox and added the following style:

    bottom: 0 !important;

Unfortunately, this did not resolve the problem and I am still unable to identify the source of the issue.

For reference, here is a link to the page where the issue occurs:

Answer №1

It appears that the problem is originating from the animation associated with the bounceInUp class. Specifically, the rule causing the issue is translateY(-2000px);. It seems like any page containing a button with this class experiences the same issue. An effective solution would be to decrease the pixel value in that animation, which should resolve the issue you are facing.

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

.page-footer {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0 !important;

Answer №3

eliminate the padding-bottom: 30px; property in the #footer section

Answer №4

Experiment with:

    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

You could also play around with the position and display properties.

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