The appearance of the page appears normal when viewed locally, but once it is uploaded to the server, everything is

There's been something bothering me lately that I just can't figure out, so I thought I'd reach out for help here.

I've been working on a node app and everything looks perfect when I view it locally. However, once I push it to my server (linode) and run it there, everything appears zoomed in (refer to the screenshots). What do you think could be causing this issue? Thank you. The first screenshot shows how it looks on the server, and the second one is from my local machine.

Answer №1

Just wanted to mention before I go...

You can reset the browser zoom level for the server site by pressing CTRL + 0 (zero).

(Sometimes it's the simple things that cause the most frustration ;-)

Answer №2

For best results, try using Zoomed In! Press CTRL + 0 to see it correctly now! :)

If not, go to View » Zoom » 100%.

This method should fix the issue! :)

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