The animated color web icon font is not functioning on Internet Explorer 8

I'm feeling lost with this issue. I am trying to animate the color of an icon font, and it's working smoothly in all modern browsers except for IE 8!

Here is the link I am working with:

<a id="newsletter_subbut"><i class="icon-web-mail"></i></a>

This is the CSS code I have written:

#newsletter_subbut {
    border: none;
    height: 30px;
    margin-left: -8px;
    z-index: 1;
.icon-web-mail:before {
    font-family: 'batch';
    speak: none;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 1;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    content: "\F14C";

And here is the jQuery code I am using:

$('#newsletter_subbut').find("i").stop().animate({color: "#fa2a18"},'slow');

Answer №1

Due to limitations in IE8, the browser is unable to animate colors on its own. To achieve color animation in IE8, a custom script is necessary.

@Hadi has introduced a lightweight custom color animation script as a solution.

In my opinion, using jQuery UI will provide the desired effect. I have included it in my jsfiddle (refer to framework and extensions).

$('#newsletter_subbut').find("i").stop().animate({color: "#fa2a18"},'slow');

An update suggests adding the icon with

i:before { content: \F14C"; }

The jQuery is animating the actual "i" element of the content ":before". However, research indicates that animating pseudo classes is not yet supported.

A solution exists, but it is only compatible with modern browsers.

Your best option is to include the unicode in the HTML. Refer to my

Answer №2

Uncertain of the jQuery version you have, but it seems that animate color doesn't function with 1.9.1; it may work with earlier versions. In some cases, IE8 may not recognize the animate property. You could attempt this method:

$('#newsletter_subbut').find("i").stop().animate({color: "#fa2a18"}, 1000, function(){ $('#newsletter_subbut').find("i").animate({ color: "#fa2a18" }); });


$('#newsletter_subbut').find("i").animate({ color: "#000" }); // revert to original color
$('#newsletter_subbut').find("i").animate({ color: "#fa2a18" });

It might seem a bit unconventional, but it has worked for me.

If you happen to be using jQuery 1.9.x, give this fiddle a shot - - it appears to also function on ie8.

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