The Angular framework seems to be causing a problem with a Bootstrap column that is supposed to fill 100% of the width

I am currently working on a page that consists of a side navigation bar and a content area. Here is a basic representation of its layout:


While redeveloping the same application using Angular, I am facing difficulties in making the content area expand to fill the entire available width. Here is what it currently looks like:

Could someone provide guidance on how to ensure the column stretches in Angular just as it does in the non-Angular version of the application?

Answer №1

To make the main div fill the entire width, you can either wrap it in a div with a width of 100% or add the full-width class directly to the main directive.

// app.component.css    
    .full-width {

In the html :

<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="full-width" >

Check out this stackblitz example for reference:

PS: If you want to stretch it vertically as well, you can also apply height: 100%. See the updated stackblitz for a demonstration :)

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