Textboxes are being disabled upon the webpage loading

Initially, I have a hidden login form in one div that becomes visible when the "Login" button is clicked. This login form is located on the Master Page and includes client-side HTML5 validations for email addresses and passwords.

In a child page with an AJAX update panel, there is a "Add to Cart" button. However, due to the validation in the master page's login form, I am unable to perform a postback when clicking on the "Add to Cart" button.

To address this issue, I attempted to disable all text boxes in the login form (located on the master page) upon page load:

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this,this.GetType(), "Javascript2", "javascript:DisablePopUpTxt();", true);

However, the above code did not work, causing me to be unable to initiate any postbacks on the child pages. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

To possibly resolve your issue, consider setting CauseValidation=false on the specific link or button. For further clarity, reference the documentation available at this MSDN page.

Answer №2

To effectively validate master and child pages, consider using distinct validation groups for each. Simply go through each control on the master page, including buttons, and assign a ValidationGroup property to them.

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