Text gradually appearing using a text button

I am currently trying to implement a fade-in effect on text in WordPress when another text line is clicked. I want the transition to be smooth and appealing, similar to a button.

Despite my efforts, the method I found online does not seem to work correctly within the WordPress platform. Here is the code snippet I attempted to use:


Here is the HTML structure:

<span class="button">Text button</span>
<span class="fadein">You just clicked on "Text button"</span>

And here is the CSS styling:

.button { cursor: pointer; }

Finally, the Jquery script:


$('.button').on('click', function(){

Answer №1

@Satpal is correct in advising to use jQuery instead of $ when working with wordpress. Here is the updated code:


jQuery('.button').on('click', function(){

This code should work effectively in wordpress as long as you have already included the jQuery library and placed the code correctly. As @Giancarlo suggested, it's also important to wrap it in a document ready script, but remember to do so in jQuery format like this:


    jQuery('.button').on('click', function(){

Save this code in a separate .js file and then include it in your theme's functions.php file using wp_enqueue_script

It should work smoothly for your purposes.

Answer №2

To ensure the successful execution of your jQuery code, make sure to wait for the jQuery JavaScript library to load before running it. It is also recommended to encapsulate your jQuery code within a document ready scope.

// Shortcut for $(document).ready()
  // Place your jQuery code here

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