tap into adhesive, translucent screen

I designed a webpage with an iframe at the bottom that I set to be transparent so that overlapped elements are visible.

However, I encountered an issue where the links beneath the iframe were not clickable unless I disabled pointer-events for the iframe. I attempted to create a div within the iframe to cover the non-clickable area and enabled pointer-events, but this did not resolve the problem. Additionally, I need to consider that the chat feature remains fixed on the page.

Answer №1

If you happen to come across this question, although it's old...

  1. When it comes to iFrames, they essentially contain a separate DOM within the main DOM. CSS properties like pointer-events may not always work as expected with iFrames and can behave differently depending on the browser.

  2. You can attempt to affect all content WITHIN the iframe by using

    iframe > * {pointer-events: none;}
    , but if the contents of the iframe are from different domains, this method is most likely ineffective.

  3. The use of pointer-events: all; is primarily designed for SVGs exclusively and may not apply in the same way to other DOM elements.

In order to resolve the issue, the OP should consider either adjusting the size of the iFrame to fit the content or eliminating the use of an iFrame altogether.

Alternative methods for embedding content include:

  1. Using HTML <embed> - Check out the documentation

  2. Utilizing HTML <object> - Refer to the guide

  3. Exploring Web Components HTML Imports (though now deprecated, a polyfill is available)

While none of these options are perfect solutions, they could potentially address the issue at hand based on the specific circumstances.

Furthermore, employing a Javascript function to populate an element with external content is another viable approach. In essence, this mirrors how "Single Page" Apps developed using React/Angular/Vue operate behind the scenes. Note: When adopting this method, ensure that you adhere to CORS headers requirements if sourcing content from a distinct domain.

Answer №2

To implement z-index in CSS, you can assign different values to elements to determine their stacking order:

For example, if you have two elements like this:

#box1 {
    z-index: 10;

#box2 {
    z-index: 20;

The element with the higher z-index value, in this case #box2, will be displayed on top of the element with the lower z-index value, #box1, when they overlap.

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