Table with a responsive c3 chart

Is there a way to integrate a responsive C3 chart into a table?

I am trying to set up a table with a responsive layout, where one of the cells contains a C3 chart. The initial dimensions of the cell are 200 width and 50 height, but I want the chart to update dynamically if the browser size changes.

However, I am facing an issue where, even on the initial load, the chart is not rendering correctly. The SVG size is displaying as 197 width and 18 height, which seems to indicate some margin being added. How can I achieve a responsive chart within a table? Any assistance would be appreciated.

Here is the chart image for console sizes.

Application link:

Answer №1

To rectify this issue, adjust the chart dimensions dynamically by calling the chart.resize(); method whenever there are changes in the table or div size

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