Switching over to the latest version of Material-UI, v1.x.x

Currently, my app relies on Material-UI v0.17.0 which is not compatible with React v16.0.0. In order to make it work, I need to upgrade to Material-UI v1.0.0.

I came across a migration tool here, but it only updates import statements. Many props have changed and are not backwards compatible. The tool didn't work for me, so I manually updated all imports. It seems like I may have to rewrite the entire frontend code using the new v1.0.0 components. This upgrade feels more like switching to a completely different package than just updating versions. I'm sure others have faced this issue too, and I'm curious how they successfully migrated.

Answer №1

After observing that the API is not backwards compatible, it seems that the continuation of the migration guide is necessary. There must be a valid reason for this decision.

While some components have been replaced, the migration process appears to be complex and challenging, especially when dealing with components like autocomplete that are no longer included in version 1.x. Those who have heavily customized their components may face even greater difficulties, as version 1.x suggests using JSS for styling instead.

At this point, the best approach seems to be rewriting each component individually. This may not be the most ideal solution, but it could be the only viable option moving forward.

Answer №2

After much experimentation on my project, I found that a suitable solution involved the use of react version 16.4.1 alongside material-ui version 0.20.0. This required me to ditch the react-tap-event-plugin as it was not compatible with react versions >=16.4.0. Consequently, I had to change all instances of onTapEvent to onClick. Surprisingly, by avoiding the upgrade to the latest major version of material-ui, I was able to bypass updating my components, alleviating my initial concerns.

Although I did spend some time converting material-ui components to version 1.2.0 initially, I eventually identified a solution that didn't necessitate these modifications. As I delved into making these adjustments, I encountered a shortage of documentation. Fortunately, I stumbled upon a relevant Stack Overflow thread regarding migration to version 1.x.x here.

In that discussion, I shared links to various github issues addressing similar challenges, which could prove beneficial for individuals navigating this transition themselves.

[docs] 0.x => 1.x migration guide #7195

Codemod error when upgrading from v0.18.7 to v1.1.0 #11819

Additionally, there's some documented code assisting in the transition process.

Here's a project where someone successfully upgraded to mui 1.x.x from 0.x.x

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