Switch up the link color when it pops up

Is there a method to change the link color to gray without encountering glitches like on my site, where it mistakenly shows "Quick Nav."?

Click here to view the page with the glitch

I only want this particular link to be bold and not any other links.

Here is the current code:

     <script type="text/javascript">
// Popup window code
function newPopup(url) {
    popupWindow = window.open(
<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="JavaScript:newPopup('<font color="gray">http://onlythebestoftheweb.x10.mx/navigation/quick.html</font>');">Quick Nav.</a>

Also, I'd like to mention that the page is intentionally set to display a 404 error, explaining the glitch.

Answer №1

If you're utilizing CSS in your code, a simple way to style the popup link is by assigning it a class name and then styling that class using CSS.

Here are the CSS lines to add:

Your CSS should look like this:

a.popup-link {
    color: grey;
    text-decoration: none;

Next, update the link for the popup with the following:

<a class="popup-link" href="JavaScript:newPopup('http://onlythebestoftheweb.x10.mx/navigation/quick.html');">Quick Nav.</a>

Answer №2

  1. If you want to change the link color to gray, use this CSS:


    a {
        color: #848484;
  2. Your code may be "glitching" due to this line:

    <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="JavaScript:newPopup('<font color="gray">http://onlythebestoftheweb.x10.mx/navigation/quick.html</font>');">Quick Nav.</a>

    To fix it, escape double quotes within double quotes like this:

    <a style="text-decoration:none;" href="JavaScript:newPopup('<font color=\"gray\">http://onlythebestoftheweb.x10.mx/navigation/quick.html</font>');">Quick Nav.</a>

Answer №3

Here is a more organized practice for you.



<script type="text/javascript>
    // Code for opening popup window
    var newPopup = function () {

        if (this.style.color === 'green' || this.style.color==='') { this.style.color = 'red'; } else { this.style.color = 'green' };

        var popupWindow = window.open(
            this.url, 'popUpWindow', 'height=700,width=800,left=10,top=10,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes');

        return false;
    setTimeout(function () {

        var qnLk = document.getElementById('qnLk');
        qnLk.onclick = newPopup;
        qnLk.url = 'http://onlythebestoftheweb.x10.mx/navigation/quick.html';

    }, 100);


<a id="qnLk" style="text-decoration:none;color:green;" href="#">Quick Navigation</a>

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