Switch the Ionic Slide Box to the "does-continue" setting

Currently in the process of constructing a slide-box containing numerous items. I've borrowed the code from the example provided here for an infinite number of items, and it's performing well.

However, I have a considerable yet finite amount of items in my collection. I want the slide box to stop looping once it reaches the end of the collection. Since the current implementation uses a circular buffer, my plan is to toggle the "does-continue" property on or off based on my position in the larger collection.

Is there a way to achieve this? I haven't found a method on the slide box delegate that allows for such behavior, nor can I bind a boolean expression to the does-continue attribute in the HTML. Alternatively, is there another efficient approach to handling a large but not infinite number of items in an Ionic slidebox?

Answer №1

It's been a little while, so I hope you've found a solution by now. I came across an updated post from travisdahl in the original thread that you referenced, and I wanted to share his advice here.

In his update, travisdahl mentions that he was able to prevent scrolling by using the code snippet

. This prevents scrolling when on the first or last slide. However, he notes that ensuring the current slide is at the beginning (for the lower bound) or the end (for the upper bound) is more complex than expected.

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