Switch out the smaller thumbnail image with a more enlarged image

Im pretty new to web programming and im working on a site now. In one part of this site, I have collections of 3 pictures. 1 larger one and two smaller thumbnails below it. The goal is to create a way in which i can click on one of the thumbnails and they swap spots with the one large picture. any idea how I would go about doing this? Heres a snippet of code. Thanks!

<div class = 'picture-container'>
            <div class = 'large-picture' id = 'lp1'>
                <figure style = 'float:left;width:45%;'>
                    <img src = 'close_table_dupontstudios.png' width = '100%' height = '100%' class = 'no-mobile'>
                    <figcaption class = 'red-cap'>Our Set-Up</figcaption>
                <div class = 'picture-content'>
                    <div class = 'picture-title'>BOUTIQUE PRODUCTION STUDIO</div>
                    <div class = 'picture-text'>We built a boutique full service production studio that allows for one, two and three person filmed interviews and conversations. We have studio lights, a three camera set-up and remote monitoring. Additionally, our Infinity Wall creates a clean and professional look that allows the film to be about the message.</div>
                    <!--<div class = 'small-picture'>
                        <img src = 'hair_and_makeup_dupontstudios.png' width = '175' height = '100'>
                    <div class = 'small-picture'>
                        <img src = 'infinity_wall_dupontstudios.png' width = '175' height = '100'>
                <div class = 'thumbnail-container'>
                    <figure class = 'thumbnail'>
                        <img src = 'infinity_wall_dupontstudios.png' width = '100%' height = '100%'>
                    <figure class = 'thumbnail'>
                        <img src = 'infinity_wall_dupontstudios.png' width = '100%' height = '100%'>

Answer №1

There are multiple strategies for resolving this issue. A simple method involves displaying only one image at a time by hiding all other images, both large and small.

In the HTML code, large images are assigned a class of hidden (with the CSS property display: none) except for the first image. The correct large image is then displayed when the corresponding thumbnail is clicked.

Linking the thumbnails to the large images can be achieved by using identifiers. Below is an example of setting the thumbnail link's href to the large image id:

<a href="#lp1">
  <figure class="thumbnail">...</figure>

Next, the JavaScript (jQuery) code is added:

// Select all large images
var largeImages = $('figure.large');
// Add click handler for thumbnails
$('.thumbnail-container').on('click', 'a', function (e) {
    var thumbnailLink = $(this),
        selectedLarge = $(thumbnailLink.attr('href'));
    // Hide all large images
    // Show the large image corresponding to the clicked thumbnail

While the hide/show method is simple, it may not be the most efficient as it requires all images to be loaded even if they are hidden.

A more efficient approach involves using data- attributes in the thumbnails. In the click handler for the thumbnails, the large content area is updated with data from the clicked thumbnail. To switch the image, simply update the src attribute.

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