Switch background and disable hover effect with a click

I'm facing some issues with JavaScript and I can't seem to solve the problem on my own. What I want is, when I click on #footerblock, for the background of #footerblock to change, and then for the footer to lose its "hover effect".

/* I want the footer to still be there but without a hover effect */

<footer class="hover">
      <table id="footer"></table>
      <a href="">Developer</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="">Privacy Policy</a>
      <a href="">Terms and Conditions</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="">Usage Terms</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;
      <a href="">Partners</a>
<span onClick="block()" id="footerblock"></span>

I believe my CSS is not relevant, but it's all packed in there.


Apologies for my English

Answer №1

perhaps this could be useful: http://fiddle.jshell.net/8F6xG/5/


also included this css line at line 40


Answer №2

If you're using jQuery, you can achieve the desired effect by following the steps below.

Essentially, what we're doing is toggling classes on the #footerblock element when it's clicked. By adding and removing classes, we ensure that the existing hover class is removed to prevent the :hover style from being applied.

Additionally, we're also toggling a block_clicked class to change the background-color of the #footerblock.


$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#footerblock').on('click', function() {
        $('footer').toggleClass('clicked'); // toggle new class for background color change
        $('footer').toggleClass('hover'); // toggle hover class to remove ':hover' styling
        $(this).toggleClass('block_clicked'); // add custom style for block when clicked


    background-color: blue;

    background-color: red;

See Demo Fiddle

EDIT (Updated based on MLeFevre's comment): Revised the css rule to #footerblock.block_clicked to eliminate the need for !important.

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