swapclass and initial padding

Firstly, I am not fluent in English. Secondly, my issue pertains to "toggleClass".

I am a newbie to jQuery and JavaScript, and here is my code snippet:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

   body {
       margin:0; padding:0;

   #entete {

   .humburger {

   .humburger span {

   #sidbar {
       border-right:1px solid #ccc;
       transition:transform .3s ease-in-out;  

   .side-lg-tog{transform:translate(-240px, 0);}
   .contenu-lg-tog {margin-left:60px;!important}

   #contenu {
       padding:15px 30px;
       transition:margin-left .3s ease-in-out;

   .pad-contenu {
       border:1px solid #ccc;

   @media (max-width:767px){
    #sidbar{transform:translate(-300px, 0);color:red;}
    #contenu {margin-left:0;}
    <div id="entete">
       <div class="humburger">
    <div id="sidbar">test</div>
    <div id="toggle-btn"></div>
    <div id="contenu">
        <div class="pad-contenu">


My problem arises when I click on the humburger icon. The sidebar transitions perfectly using the new class side-lg-tog

, but the content remains with the initial margin-left:300px;. I would like it to be 60px. Thank you and apologies for any language errors, as French is my second language.

Answer №1

There was an error in the code snippet

.contenu-lg-tog {margin-left:60px;!important}

The correction requires adding a semicolon after "!important". The corrected code is:

.contenu-lg-tog {
   margin-left: 60px !important;

Answer №2

In my opinion, achieving this can be done through the following methods:

document.getElementsById("id")[0].setAttribute("class", "democlass");

Here, [0] denotes the element you wish to modify in sequential order.

Another way to accomplish this task is by using the syntax:

element.style.CSS_Property = "Value";

Where element represents the variable. For more information, please refer to: W3SCHOOL JS DOM

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