Swap out the content in a text input box with the text chosen from a suggested autocomplete option

I am working on a text input box with auto-complete options displayed below it. I want to enable users to navigate through the options using keyboard arrows and "select" one, causing it to change color. How can I update the text in the input box with the selected option, similar to what search engines do?

<input class="searchBox" id="searchBox" name="q" type="text" autocomplete="off" placeholder="hi">

<div class="autoSuggestContainer">
  <span>Select from Menu</span>
    <a>hillary clinton</a>

For the full code including HTML, CSS, and Javascript implementation, you can access it via this link: https://jsfiddle.net/qckyu5e6/

Answer №1

Once you toggle the selected class for moving up and down, you can extract the anchor tag containing the text with the selected class and set it to the input tag. Check out this example


Answer №2

By following this method, you can achieve the desired outcome:


To activate it, you must include a new case in your keyDown event to handle the 'enter' key, as well as a click event:

document.onkeydown = function (e) {
  switch (e.keyCode) {
    case 38:
    case 40:   
    case 13:
      //handle enter key

$(".urlnamelinkAS").on("click", function () {

function setInputText(text){

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