Swap a jQuery class with another if the class for ul li is currently active

I am currently developing a form builder and I would like to customize the appearance, specifically changing the color of the text. I want the text to be white when the class is set to active, and black when the class is not active.

Is there a way to achieve this using two generated classes?

I came across some information on a forum but it doesn't seem to be working for me:

.game-star  ul li h3 {

.game-star2  ul li h3 {
<div class="game-star" style="height: 198px; overflow: hidden;">
    <li class="Active">
      <div class="game-star-icon"></div>
      <h3 class="winner-name">Major Millions<br>
        RMB 1000.00</h3>
      <div class="game-star-icon"></div>
      <h3 class="winner-name">Major Moolah<br>
        RMB 3,266.41</h3>
      <div class="game-star-icon"></div>
      <h3 class="winner-name">Major Moolah Isis<br>
        RMB 4,982.78</h3>
      <div class="game-star-icon"></div>
      <h3 class="winner-name">发大财<br>
        RMB 8,888.88</h3>
      <div class="game-star-icon"></div>
      <h3 class="winner-name">我发我发我发发发<br>
        RMB 9,999.99</h3>

my CSS : 

Answer №1

Why use two different CSS classes when you can achieve the same effect with just one using the CSS Attribute Selector? This powerful selector allows you to target specific elements based on their attributes, making your CSS code cleaner and more efficient. For example, instead of having separate classes for active items, you can simply add or remove the attribute class=Active to your HTML element.

While my previous example may not be the best practice, a better approach would be to use something like

.game-star ul li[data-active=Active]
. This ensures clarity in your code and avoids any confusion between class names and attribute selectors. You can combine selectors, class names, and IDs to enhance the specificity of your styles. Learn more about it here.

Based on this, I recommend updating your code as follows:


<div class="game-star" style="height: 198px; overflow: hidden;">

    <li data-active="true">
        <div class="game-star-icon"></div>
        <h3 class="winner-name">Major Millions<br>RMB 1000.00</h3>
        <div class="game-star-icon"></div> 
        <h3 class="winner-name">Major Moolah<br>RMB 3,266.41</h3>
        <div class="game-star-icon"></div>
        <h3 class="winner-name">Major Moolah Isis<br>RMB 4,982.78</h3>
        <div class="game-star-icon"></div>
        <h3 class="winner-name">发大财<br>RMB 8,888.88</h3>
        <div class="game-star-icon"></div>
        <h3 class="winner-name">我发我发我发发发<br>RMB 9,999.99</h3>



.game-star ul li[data-active=true] h3 {

EDIT: If you prefer to stick with your original method, here is a fiddle that demonstrates it. Feel free to customize the colors to suit your design preferences! :)


Answer №2

Revamp your look with this new style:

.game-star  ul li,.game-star2  ul li {

.game-star ul li.Active,.game-star2  ul li.Active{

Answer №3

I made some updates to the code. The classes are now equal. When active, the text will appear in white color while the rest of the text will be black.

.game-star  ul li h3,
.game-star2  ul li h3{

.game-star  ul li.active h3,
.game-star2  ul li.active h3 {


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