Sub-menu disappears upon resizing the screen

Currently, I am working on creating a unique responsive navigation system that transforms into a 100% width pulldown menu for mobile devices. To achieve this functionality, I have implemented some JavaScript code that hides any open sub-menu items when the window is resized to a new breakpoint (typically at 768px). However, I have encountered an issue where if a sub-menu is opened in the mobile view and then the window is suddenly resized, the hover effect stops working and the sub-menu items fail to appear on the larger screen size.

If you would like to see a simplified version of my navigation setup, you can check out this JSFiddle:

The section of JavaScript that I suspect may be causing the problem is as follows:

    if (w > 768) {
        $("#nav > li > ul").hide();

When testing, I noticed that if I click on the first menu item in the small screen size, then resize the window, the same sub-menu fails to display when hovering over the parent item. However, if I start at a larger screen size or do not open the sub-menu in the small screen view, everything works correctly. It seems like there may be an issue with the JavaScript logic preventing the sub-menu from appearing properly.

Answer №1

To achieve the hover effect, it's important to implement it using JavaScript rather than CSS.

One approach is to check the window size:

if (w > 768) {
    $("#nav > li > ul").hide();
    // Add hover functionality here

Enforcing the hover behavior requires utilizing JavaScript as opposed to CSS.

Answer №2

When utilizing the .hide() function, it inserts inline style display:none which consistently overwrites the existing styles. The recommended approach is to define a separate class and apply that class instead.

  if (w > 768) {
            $("#nav > li > ul").removeAttr('style'); // removing the inline style added by slideToggle
            $("#nav > li > ul").addClass('hidden');


.hidden {
    display: none;

Check out the Fiddle Demo here

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