Styling with CSS or using tables: What should you choose?

Is there a way to replicate the frame=void functionality in CSS, or will I need to manually add frame=void to each table I create in the future?

<table border=1 rules=all frame=void>

I attempted to search for a solution online, but unfortunately, my efforts yielded no relevant results.

Answer №1

Using the old HTML presentational attributes is not recommended in modern web development. It is advised to avoid using any attributes on elements except for class, id, data-*, and specific attributes on input, audio, video, or img tags.

To achieve the same visual result, you can use CSS:

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
table td {
    border-width: 1px;
    border-style: inset;

You can see a demonstration of this solution here:

Answer №2

Learn how to style tables using CSS and the border property:

table { border:none; }

CSS rules take precedence over traditional HTML attributes, as demonstrated in the example below:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

    <title>CSS Styling for Tables</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        table {


    <h2>No Frame Attribute</h2>
            [Table rows and cells with numerical values]

    <h2>Frame = &quot;box&quot;</h2>
    <table frame="box">
            [Table rows and cells with numerical values]

    <h2>Frame = &quot;void&quot;</h2>
    <table frame="void">
            [Table rows and cells with numerical values]


Despite having different values for the frame attribute, all three tables above render identically due to the CSS styling overriding HTML attributes.

Answer №3

To remove the border from a table, simply set the tables border property to 0px. If you wish to keep inner borders, apply borders to the tr and td elements instead.

table { border:0px; }
tr { border-bottom:1px; }
tr.last { border-bottom:0px; }
td { border-right:1px; }
td.last { border-right:0px; }

You can also try something similar to this approach...

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