Styling the Sidebar with a Tucked-In Header Ribbon in CSS

There are numerous methods to achieve this desired effect:

I initially used a table to achieve this, but I have now chosen against using tables for that purpose. What is the most effective way to accomplish this while maintaining a right border?

Answer №1

 background:transparent url(/images/solid.png) repeat-x;
 background:transparent url(/images/end.png) no-repeat;
<div class='left ribbonTitle'>Heading</div>
<div class='left ribbonEnd'>&nbsp;</div>
<br class='clear'/>

Arrange the two elements side by side with a floating effect. Apply a repeating ribbon background in the first div without the end part. Place a non-repeating ribbon "end" background in the second div.

Answer №2

Utilizing two blocks? One for the prominent green and another below for the tucked corner. You can place it in a way that it covers everything so it doesn't obstruct any other block you may have beneath containing text or other elements.

Answer №3

Check out this simple CSS workaround that I came up with. I believe there are more refined ways to achieve the same effect by utilizing CSS before and after pseudo-elements. I wanted to share this to inspire your creativity.

Have fun exploring!

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