Styling markdown text causes the text to vanish and it is impossible to include a background color

I'm facing a puzzling React markdown problem.

Within this snippet:




I am attempting to apply a background color to the markdown text (content). The background-color: #some-color rule in styles.reactMarkDown doesn't seem to work. I have confirmed that the CSS rule is being applied as the custom font specified in it is displayed correctly.

To work around this issue, I tried using a <span> element:

    <span className="bg-postbg text-white">{content}</span>

However, this causes the text to disappear entirely. Despite searching extensively, I haven't found a solution. What could be causing this unexpected behavior?

Take a look at this image for reference:

Answer №1

It is recommended to enclose the ReactMarkdown component within a div element and then style it accordingly.

<div  >
       // add background property to the className specified here

Answer №2

It seems I made a foolish mistake by not utilizing my renderers properly. If you happen to come across this post, remember to include:

const renderers = {
    p: (props) => <p className={styles.reactMarkDown}>{props.children}</p>

in your code, substituting the stylesheet as needed. I mistakenly labeled it paragraph.

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