Style binding for background image can utilize computed properties or data for dynamic rendering

In my code, I am trying to pass an object that contains a string path for its background image. I have experimented with using data and computed properties, but so far I haven't had any luck getting them to work within the :style binding. However, if I use it as a Vue variable in text, it works fine.

I have attempted different approaches using both data and computed property

The following code snippet is successful:

:style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + require('@/assets/images/cards/pic.jpg') + ')' }"

But when I try to achieve the same result with data

<div :style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + require(imadata) + ')' }">

data() {
   return {
      imadata: "@/assets/images/cards/" + this.cardItem.image

Or with computed property

<div :style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + require(ima) + ')' }">

computed: {
   ima() {
     return "@/assets/images/cards/".concat(this.cardItem.image);

I encountered an error when using the computed property: [Vue warn]: Error in render: "Error: Cannot find module '@/assets/images/cards/queryfox.jpg'"

My goal is to be able to dynamically set a variable as the source of a background image in the style binding.

Answer №1

When incorporating an img tag into a Laravel Vue application, there is no need to include the require() or @/assets/. Simply use the path of the image or file as shown below:

<img src="/image/test.jpg"/>

This method will function properly for your needs. As for styling purposes,

<div :style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + imadata + ')' }">
data() {
    return { 
        imadata: "/images/cards/" + this.cardItem.image 

Implementing this solution should do the trick.

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