Struggling with displaying Vuetify list items correctly?

I am implementing vuetify to display the list items in the following structure:


btn1 btn2
btn3 btn4

Not Interests

btn1 btn2
btn3 btn4

However, the titles "Interests" and "Not Interests" are not showing up correctly.

 <v-layout row wrap>
        <v-flex xs12 v-for="kid in kids">
          <v-card color="blue-grey darken-2" class="white--text">
            <v-card-title primary-title>
              <div class="headline">{{}}</div>
              <span class="grey--text">{{}}</span>
              <!--<div>Listen to your favorite artists and albums whenever and wherever, online and offline.</div>-->
                <v-list-tile @click="">
                    <v-btn flat dark v-for="(interest, idx) in kid.interests" :key="idx">{{interest}}</v-btn>


                <v-list-tile @click="">
                    <v-list-tile-title>Not Interests</v-list-tile-title>
                    <v-btn flat dark v-for="(nointerest,idx) in kid.notinterests" :key="idx">{{nointerest}}</v-btn>


I attempted to set a fixed height for the list items, but the alignment is still incorrect.


Answer №1

The recommended method is to utilize the two-line option

 <v-list two-line>

Check out the demonstration

If desired, you can specify a height for the list tile

.list__tile {
  height: 5rem !important;

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