Struggling to implement a vertical scroll bar in HTML code?

<body  ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
    <div ng-show = "dataFromRest" ng-repeat = "x in dataFromRest.posts" >       
        <div class="tittle" style="width: 25%;">                
                <a href="" ng-click="showDiv = ! showDiv" style="text-decoration: none;" ># {{x.title}} </a>
                <a href=""  style="text-decoration: none;" ng-if="!x.title"># No title</a>
                    <hr style="color: red">
        <div class="text">              
            <div style="width: 70% ;float:right; background-color: white;">
                <div ng-show="showDiv">
                     <div style="float: right;">
                     <img id="currentPhoto" src="{{x.thread.main_image}}" onerror="this.src='noimageavailable.png'" width="300px" height="250px" style="float: right;">
                     <div style="color: purple;text-align: center;font-size:21px">
                     <a href="{{x.url}}" style=" color: blue;"> To see in details, click here! </a><br> <br>

i have created a news feed module where the titles are displayed in a left side div and descriptions along with related images are shown in a right side div. However, I am facing issues with adding a vertical scroll bar to the left-side div (title-div) without it being specific to each individual title. Additionally, I need assistance in automatically loading the first title's description upon page load. Can someone help me with these two tasks?

Answer №1

Make sure to include a wrapper.

The overflow scroll applies to all tittle elements because the title class is within the ng-repeat loop, causing it to be repeated for each title individually.

To fix this, place another wrapper div outside the ng-repeat and set the overflow scroll on that container instead.

    <div class="wrapper">
     <div ng-show = "dataFromRest" ng-repeat = "x in dataFromRest.posts" >       
        <div class="tittle" style="width: 25%;">                
                <a href="" ng-click="showDiv = ! showDiv" style="text-decoration: none;" ># {{x.title}} </a>
                <a href=""  style="text-decoration: none;" ng-if="!x.title"># No title</a>
                    <hr style="color: red">
        <div class="text">              
            <div style="width: 70% ;float:right; background-color: white;">
                <div ng-show="showDiv">
                     <div style="float: right;">
                     <img id="currentPhoto" src="{{x.thread.main_image}}" onerror="this.src='noimageavailable.png'" width="300px" height="250px" style="float: right;">
                     <div style="color: purple;text-align: center;font-size:21px">
                     <a href="{{x.url}}" style=" color: blue;"> To see in details, click here! </a><br> <br>
</div><!-- .wrapper -->

Then, apply overflow:scroll to the wrapper.

.wrapper {

Keep in mind that this will create a scroll for both the title and text together since they are within the same wrapper. If you need separate scrolls, you must create two wrappers with two different ng-repeat loops.

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