Struggling to create a search bar and dropdown menu that adapts to different

Currently, I'm working on creating an advanced search bar and came across this template here. Everything seems to be functioning properly except for the fact that the search bar and dropdown menu are not fully utilizing the entire width of 100%. I would like the dropdown menu to cover the full width of the search bar and also be responsive. The issue with this template is that the width of both the search bar and dropdown is fixed in pixels.

Answer №1

Remove the width property or leave a comment about it

@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
  #adv-search {
    /* Remove width property */
    margin: 0 auto;
  .dropdown.dropdown-lg {
    position: static !important;
  .dropdown.dropdown-lg .dropdown-menu {
    /* Leave a comment about min-width property */

Answer №2

Instead of setting a fixed width like this:

.header{width: 800px}

Consider using max-width for better responsiveness:


To style the dropdown menu, you can use the following:

.dropdown.dropdown-md .dropdown-menu {
width: 100%;
//additional styles here}

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