Strategies for avoiding text selection interference with onMouseMove event

I am in the process of adding a "resize handle" to adjust the width of my left navigation panel. This handle, represented by a div, triggers an onMouseDown() event that calculates the necessary widths and applies them to the relevant elements during subsequent calls to onMouseMove(). However, I am experiencing some issues.

1) The article element, located to the right of the navigation panel and handle, fails to trigger the onMouseUp() event when I release the mouse there. Could this be due to the initial activation of onMouseDown() in another element?

2) If I move the mouse rapidly to the right, I am unable to prevent text within the article from being selected, despite attempts to use methods like preventDefault() and stopPropagation().

3) Even if there is no text present in the article, the resizing functionality only works effectively when the mouse is moved very slowly. Moving the mouse swiftly over the article results in the resizing stopping abruptly unless the mouse button is released – in such cases, the resizing proceeds smoothly (implying that text selection was hindering the process even when no text was present). However, upon releasing the mouse button, the resizing should ideally cease (refer to point 1).

I have come across suggestions involving CSS properties like user-select: none, but implementing these would indiscriminately prevent text selection within the article, which seems excessive.

Hence, how can I achieve seamless resizing without inadvertent text selection while moving the mouse across any element within my document? (Following the initial click within the right div, of course.)

The following snippets showcase my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code for reference:

To view the complete code and a functional example, please visit:
<a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Resize Handle Example</a>
<a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Additional Implementation Example</a>

Answer №1

Observe the start moving and finish moving events using your preferred method (such as onMouseDown and onMouseUp). Apply a CSS class to indicate the moving state when the action begins, and remove it when the action concludes.

If you're facing this scenario, you can experiment with the following:

Create a new CSS class:

.moving {
    user-select: none;
    -moz-user-select: none;
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    -ms-user-select: none;

Update your handMd() and handMu() functions:

function handMd(e) {
    mx = e.pageX;
    px = document.getElementById('nav').clientWidth;
    moving = true;
    document.getElementById('article').classList.toggle('moving', true);  // Include this line. 'article' refers to the element ID where text selection is not desired.
function handMu(e) {
    moving = false;
    document.getElementById('article').classList.toggle('moving', false);  // Include this line. 'article' refers to the element ID where text selection is not desired.

Answer №2

Upon examining a solution found elsewhere, I have made some alterations.

In the HTML, only one event handler is now necessary:

    <nav id='nav'>
        <div class='navcont'>
            <p>nav 1</p>
            <p>nav 2</p>
        <div class='handle' onmousedown='handMd(event)'>
    <article id='article'>

In the Javascript code, it is now more efficient to attach and detach the onmousemove event handler instead of calling onmousemove every time the mouse moves (to then check if the mouse button has been pressed). Additionally, the event is now attached to the document rather than each div on the screen:

var mx,px,minW = 200;
function handMd(e) {
    mx = e.pageX;
    px = document.getElementById('nav').clientWidth;
function handMm(e) {
    var diff = e.pageX - mx;
    if (px+diff >= minW && window.innerWidth-px-diff >= minW) {
        document.getElementById('nav').style.width = (px+diff)+'px';
        document.getElementById('article').style.width = (window.innerWidth-px-diff)+'px';
function handMu(e) {

In the CSS section, following Ryan Tsui's advice, I removed unwanted text selection while resizing:

.moving {

Answer №3

Stopping the selection process may be a bit tricky, but one way to handle it is by using the event called onselect which is triggered when something is selected.

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