Strange CSS Behavior in Wordpress Child Themes

Currently, I am in the process of customizing a WordPress theme.

In my situation, a div is being generated through a widget, with multiple classes:

<div class="col-lg-3 focus-box item-1">...</div>

The parent theme and bootstrap stylesheet already have properties applied to the focus-box and col-lg-3 classes respectively.

I then added the following to my child-theme stylesheet (which has been working fine for other things):

.item-1 { background-color: orange; }

However, this adjustment did not take effect. After trying the following in my child-theme CSS:

.col-lg-3 (or focus-box) { background-color: orange; }
.item-1 { background-color: orange; }

This approach worked... I'm quite perplexed by what's going on here.

Considering that my child-theme stylesheet is loaded last, it should override all others, right?

If anyone has any insights, I would greatly appreciate hearing them :-)

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Sincerely, Sommy

Answer №1

Appreciate your responses.

Initially, I attempted to utilize `!important` without success; it yielded the same outcome when using a stronger selector.

I am familiar with how to inspect code in my browser, which is why I can confirm that my child-theme CSS loads last after checking it myself.

What's truly perplexing, from my perspective, is that the results vary depending on whether or not I include `col-lg-3` in my stylesheet.

I encounter similar issues with other HTML elements within my code.

To summarize:

  • The Child-Theme CSS loads after the parent one
  • This was verified using the browser development tool
  • I've also observed that the placement of my CSS properties impacts the result; sometimes placing them at the end of my child-theme css makes them work as intended:


/* IF I PLACE THE SELECTOR .focus-box .service-icon here It Doesn't Work */

... (omitted for brevity)


Focus Box HTML Code :

    <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-3 focus-box item-dashboard" data-scrollreveal="enter left after 0.15s over 1s">

... (omitted for brevity)

The query remains: Why doesn't my child-theme CSS effectively override the parent one? Why does the placement of my CSS element influence the result despite not appearing to be property overriding?

Thank you once again for your assistance.

Answer №2

After revisiting the order of my style sheet loading and other factors, I was able to successfully resolve this problem.

Appreciate all the assistance!

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