Strange behavior of top navigation bar with fixed positioning in Firefox

I am currently working on a project that utilizes the Simple Sidebar template from Our navigation bar has a position:fixed and a search box floated to the right. However, in Firefox, 50% of the search box extends outside of the enclosing div. This issue does not occur in Chrome, where the sidebar collapses automatically when the width is reduced. I understand that elements with position fixed do not follow the regular flow, but I am unsure how to address this problem.

Here is the link to the fiddle for reference:

Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Here is a helpful code snippet:

#search-page input {
    position: absolute;
    right: 0px;
    width: 20%;

To see it in action, check out the demo - JSfiddle

This solution works smoothly on all browsers. Feel free to adjust the width property according to your needs.

Answer №2

Give this a shot...

  Try adding overflow:hidden; to the #sidebar-wrapper element

Take a look here @

For further suggestions, feel free to leave a comment

Answer №3

My approach: I experimented with removing the width for #wrapper, eliminating absolute positioning for

#wrapper.toggled #page-content-wrapper
, and applying a min-width for the search box.

After these adjustments, the sidebar now expands smoothly, the content stays within the window boundaries, and the navigation bar adjusts accordingly. The search box also shrinks to a minimum size. Does this align with your expectations?

If you view the yellow bar as primary navigation, I recommend exploring a fluid layout for the navigation elements without using position. This may allow the search box to integrate seamlessly into the design as well.

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