Strange behavior occurs when CSS content elements utilize :before pseudo element with images

I'm having trouble placing three different images in front of some list points on my website. It doesn't seem to be working the way I intended. Can anyone offer some assistance? Currently, it appears like this: CSS content

Despite using :before, the images are not aligning properly next to the text, and they appear larger than I would like. How can I make them smaller and position them correctly?

Here is the CSS code I have implemented:

a[href*="bron.pdf"]:before {
    content: url("PDF%20img%20.gif");

a[href*="bron.vcf"]:before {
content: url("vcard-icon.png");

a[href*="bron.jpg"]:before {
content: url("adobe%20img%20.png");

This is the HTML code being used:

           <li><a href="bron.pdf" data kb="1267">project_CMDA_Moet_ik_rennen.pdf</a> (1.3MB)</li>
           <li><a href="bron.vcf">Contactgegevens_CMDA_Moet_ik_rennen.vcf</a></li>
          <li><a href="bron.jpg" data-kb="569">Poster_CMDA_Moet_ik_rennen.jpg</a> (569KB)</li>

Can anyone point out what I might be doing incorrectly?

Answer №1

To effectively handle this situation, consider using a background-image instead of a regular image to have more control over the height and width adjustments. Utilize display: inline-block to ensure that the text and image are displayed next to each other.

a:before {
    width: 20px; 
    height: 18px;
    background-size: cover;   

(Be sure to adjust the height and width based on your specific requirements).

Next, apply the background-image property to each relevant element

a[href*="bron.pdf"]:before {
    background-image: url("PDF%20img%20.gif");

a[href*="bron.vcf"]:before {
    background-image: url("vcard-icon.png");

a[href*="bron.jpg"]:before {
    background-image: url("adobe%20img%20.png");

Check out this working example for reference

Answer №2

To ensure proper display, it is essential to define the height and width of images according to your desired dimensions. Consider utilizing display:inline for both the images and text containers (e.g., p tag), or alternatively, utilize float:left for image alignment if needed.

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