Stop the sudden jump when following a hashed link using jQuery

Below is the code snippet I am working with:

$( document ).ready(function() {        
    $( '.prevent-default' ).click(function( event ) {

To prevent the window from jumping when a hashed anchor link is clicked, I have assigned the class .prevent-default to them. However, this also prevents the browser from following the link as well.

Is there a way to only prevent the window jump but still allow the link to be followed?

I attempted using

window.location.href = jQuery( this ).attr('href');
, but unfortunately that did not work as intended - the window still jumped.

Answer №1

One way to enhance user experience is by dynamically creating a display:fixed DIV element when clicked, placing it as the first node in the body with your anchor serving as the ID.

For smooth scrolling to specific points on the page using IDs, it's important to temporarily have two identical IDs for a brief period. However, ensure that the dynamically created div is removed after the scroll action.

Answer №2

Give this animation a shot:

$( '.stop-click' ).click(function( event ) {
    $('html, body').animate({scrollTop : $('#'+this.href).position().top});

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