Stop the Nav bar item from collapsing

Alright, let's talk about the scenario:

The situation is that I have a basic, plain, nav nav-tabs navigation bar with a few elements and a rightmost item (with pull-right) positioned as an <li> element which includes a dropdown.

As the window size changes, some of the tab items are disappearing, starting from the last item on the right side which contains the dropdown menu.

Is there any way to keep it fixed in place and prevent it from collapsing first (or at least make sure it collapses last)?

Answer №1

To prevent collapsing, follow these steps:

There are two types of solutions:


Firstly, remove the 'collapse navbar-collapse' class from the collapse div

<div class="" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">  <!--Remove 'collapse navbar-collapse' -->

Once the class is removed, there is no need for a button, so the toggle 'button' can also be removed.

DEMO for Type 1


In Type 1, the issue of "resist collapsing" may be resolved, but the view is not optimal and on the 'sm' and 'xs' screen sizes, the right content will be displayed in a dropdown menu.

To address this issue, some modifications were made:

  1. The right contents were shifted to navbar-header
  2. The width of navbar-header was set to 100% for proper right alignment, like this

    .navbar-header { width: 100%; }

  3. Next, the pull-right class was used for right alignment as per your query. Alternatively, you can use navbar-right and added nav-pills to prevent wrapping of the right content, like this

    <ul class="nav navbar-nav nav-pills pull-right">

DEMO for Type 2

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