Stop Sass from including property entirely

Within my current project, I have implemented a sass-mixin that looks something like this:


@mixin customized_mixin($header-border-top-stack, 
                $header-border-bottom-stack) {
  #some-id {
     border-top: $header-border-top-stack;
     border-bottom: $header-border-top-stack;


@import "path/to/mymixin.scss";
@include customized_mixin(1px solid black, 2px solid red);

There are times when I specifically do not want to alter the border-bottom property. However, attempting to do so using the following code snippet:

@import "path/to/mymixin.scss";
@include customized_mixin(1px solid black, none);

leads to a generated .css file similar to this:

#some-id {
  border-top: 1px solid black;
  border-bottom: none;

I am seeking a solution to prevent the mixin from affecting the border-bottom property altogether (excluding it entirely from the .css). Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Adding an @if condition for validation

@mixin my_mixin($header-border-top-stack, $header-border-bottom-stack) {
  #some-id {
    border-top: $header-border-top-stack;
    @if $header-border-bottom-stack != 'none' {
      border-bottom: $header-border-bottom-stack;

The above code is functioning properly. However, it's worth noting that the mixin in place contains the selector within, which may limit its flexibility and adherence to best practices. To address this concern, a possible rewrite is as follows:

@mixin my_mixin($header-border-top-stack, $header-border-bottom-stack) {
  border-top: $header-border-top-stack;
  @if $header-border-bottom-stack != 'none' {
    border-bottom: $header-border-bottom-stack;

With this modification, the mixin can be applied to various tags:

div { @include my_mixin(1px solid black, none); }

p { @include my_mixin(1px solid black, 2px solid red); }

This ensures versatility in using the mixin across different elements, instead of restricting its output to always be #some-id { ... }

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