Stop automatic scrolling when the keyboard is visible in Angular

I have created a survey form where the user's name appears on top in mobile view. However, I am facing an issue with auto scroll when the keyboard pops up. I want to disable this feature to improve the user experience.

<input (click)="onFocusInput()" placeholder="" class="form-control" formControlName="name" required>

onFocusInput() {
//Method 1
  top: 100,
  behavior: "smooth" // You can use "auto" instead of "smooth" for instant scrolling
//Method 2
// this.viewportScroller.scrollToAnchor("id1");

//Method 3
// const targetElement = document.getElementById("id1");
// if (targetElement) {
//   targetElement.scrollIntoView({
//     behavior: "smooth",
//     block: "start",
//     inline: "nearest"
//   });
// }

I am looking for suggestions on how to customize the scroll behavior without the keyboard triggering an auto-scroll. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you're in need of the VirtualKeyboard that is typically seen on mobile devices, look no further than the documentation provided by Mozilla. In addition to instructions on how to integrate it, there's an example demonstrating overlaying the keyboard rather than adjusting viewport height:

// To check if VirtualKeyboard API is supported
if ("virtualKeyboard" in navigator) {
  navigator.virtualKeyboard.overlaysContent = true;

  navigator.virtualKeyboard.addEventListener("geometrychange", (event) => {
    const { x, y, width, height } =;

Keep in mind that this feature is still experimental and may not have full support on Firefox or Safari browsers yet. For more detailed examples, be sure to visit the Chrome developer site for a guide on achieving Full control with the VirtualKeyboard API.

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