Steps to conceal a div when a particular property is detected in one of its child elements (img)

On my website, I have a label and a checkbox. The checkbox in question is created by Salesforce (thus the dynamic appearance of the span id).

This excerpt shows the code from my webpage:

<div class="fds" id="checkinput">
<label>Additional Review</label>
<span id="j_id0:asp-acc-details:as-c1">
<img src="/img/checkbox_checked.gif" alt="Not Checked" width="21" height="16" class="checkImg" title="Not Checked">

The span tag and its associated img are both dynamically generated through Salesforce.

I am wondering if it is possible to use jQuery to make the "checkinput" div hidden or invisible if the title (or alt) of the img tag reads "Not Checked".

Is this feasible?

Answer №1

Implement the find and attr methods to access the image and its title attribute. Then, utilize the hide method to conceal the div

var defaultTitle = "Unchecked";

var imageTitle = $("#checkinput").find("img").attr('title');
if (imageTitle === defaultTitle) {

<script src=""></script>
<div class="fds" id="checkinput">
  <label>Additional Review</label>
  <span id="j_id0:asp-acc-details:as-c1">
<img src="/img/checkbox_checked.gif" alt="Not Checked" width="21" height="16" class="checkImg" title="Not Checked">

Answer №2

To check the attributes of your image, you can utilize the attr() method:

(function() {
  var img = $(".checkImg");
  if (img.attr("title") === "Not Checked" || img.attr("alt") === "Not Checked")
<script src=""></script>
<div class="fds" id="checkinput">
  <label>Additional Review</label>
  <span id="j_id0:asp-acc-details:as-c1">
     <img src="/img/checkbox_checked.gif" alt="Not Checked" width="21" height="16" class="checkImg" title="Not Checked"/>

Edit If you have multiple similar div elements with images and need to handle them together, try this approach:

(function() {
  $(".fds img").each(function() {
    var img = $(this);
    if (img.attr("title") === "Not Checked" || img.attr("alt") === "Not Checked")
<script src=""></script>
<div class="fds" id="checkinput1">
  <span id="j_id0:asp-acc-details:as-c1">
     <img src="/img/checkbox_checked.gif" alt="Checked" width="21" height="16" class="checkImg" title="Checked"/>
<div class="fds" id="checkinput2">
  <label>Additional Review</label>
  <span id="j_id0:asp-acc-details:as-c2">
     <img src="/img/checkbox_checked.gif" alt="Not Checked" width="21" height="16" class="checkImg" title="Not Checked"/>

Answer №3

Utilize jQuery $("[],[]") OR syntax for selecting based on those particular attributes.

    $( "[img[alt='Not Checked']], [img[title='Not Checked']]" ).each(function(img) {
      $(img).parent().parent().hide() // utilizing parent relationship to hide

      // $(img).closest(".fds").hide() // alternative method using class for hiding
      // $("#checkinput").hide(); // another option using id for hiding

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