Steps for verifying a div before and after a particular div element

I have a CSS class called .options.selected and I am curious if it is possible to target the previous and next sibling element with the class .line using jQuery?

<div class="options-label">Price:</div>
<div class="options first">$0 - $100</div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="options">$100 - $200</div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="options">$200</div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="options selected all">All</div>
<div class="line"></div>

Answer №1

To access the previous div, use .prev() and for the next one, use .next():

 var prevElement = $('').prev('.box'),
        nextElement = $('').next('.box');

Answer №2







Answer №3

To implement this functionality, jQuery can be utilized:


  var prevLine = $('.options.selected').prev('.line');
  var nextLine = $('.options.selected').next('.line');


Check out the demonstration here

Answer №4

Grab the previous line element that contains a selected option.
Get the next line element that contains a selected option.

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