Step-by-step guide on incorporating edit, update, and discard functionalities within an Angular Material table component (mat-table)

I am currently working on implementing edit, update, and discard functions in an angular material table. While I have been able to successfully edit and update the table row wise, I am struggling with how to discard table rows.

If you would like to see what I have done so far, please click on this StackBlitz link to the table. Any help on how to implement the discard function would be greatly appreciated. I am particularly struggling with keeping the initial values of data cells intact. Even though I tried to create a copy of the original data to move back to the table when the discard button is clicked, due to 2-way data binding it keeps updating the original data directly (which is the company details array received from the backend). It's quite puzzling to me how this is happening and affecting the original data. Your assistance on this matter is urgently needed. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

To manage form field data efficiently, consider switching the ngModel to a temporary copy that can be discarded or saved based on user actions. If the user chooses to discard, simply remove the working copy and revert to the original data. However, if they wish to save, use Object.assign to apply the changes to the table data.

For more information, visit:

This approach may not be flawless, but it could offer helpful insights for your needs.

Answer №2

When making edits, always remember to create a copy of the element. You have two options:

1.- Use [ngModel] with the copy, and update the value accordingly

2.- Use [ngModel] with the original element, and cancel by assigning the copied value back

To create a copy, make sure to use the spread operator to avoid assigning the same object to multiple variables.


If you prefer editing one row at a time, consider using an unique variable like editIndex instead of keeping track in an array whether a row is in edit mode or not.

  editCompanyDetails(details,i) {

In this approach, I choose to edit the "copy" by declaring a variable newValue.

  editCompanyDetails(details,i) {

Take note that the mat-form field cannot be used both in edit mode and read-only mode simultaneously. Therefore, separate form fields are needed for element and newValue.

      <!-- Separated form fields for element and newValue -->

The update and cancel functions should look like this:



You can refer to this forked stackbliz for implementation details.

A check has been added in the edit function to prompt if changes will be lost when editing another field while already editing one (not in stackblitz).

  editCompanyDetails(details,i) {
    if (this.editIndex!=i && this.editIndex!=-1)
       if (data.status!=this.newValue.status || data.companyName!=this.newValue.companyName){
         ..prompt about losing changes..

Updated: Another approach involves declaring a variable oldValue, accessing the table using ViewChild, and ensuring to call renderRows when cancelling the edit.

@ViewChild('table') table:MatTable<any>

Function updates as follows:

  editCompanyDetails(details,i) {



Remember to change [NgModel] to [ngModel] for consistency. Check out the updated implementation in this new stackblitz.

Answer №3

If you're looking to effectively implement discard functionality, there's a better approach than utilizing 2-way data binding. You can opt for reactive forms and create form arrays instead. Here's a solution I recommend checking out: Discard Functionality in Table

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