Step-by-step guide on aligning a div of unknown height in the center of a div with a set

Struggling to center product images vertically within a fixed height box? Here's the code I've been working with:

<div class="main-pic">
     <li><img src="images/extra/laptop.jpg"></li>
     <li><img src="images/extra/laptop1.jpg"></li>
     <li><img src="images/extra/laptop2.jpg"></li>
     <li><img src="images/extra/laptop3.jpg"></li>
     <li><img src="images/extra/laptop4.jpg"></li>
     <li><img src="images/extra/laptop5.jpg"></li>

And here is the CSS I've been using:

.main-pic{width:430px;height:430px;border:1px solid black;margin:20px auto;display:block;float:none;overflow:hidden;}
.main-pic ul{width:10000px;}
.main-pic ul li{width:430px;height:430px;float:none;display:block;margin:-25% auto auto;position:relative;top:50%;}
.main-pic ul li img{max-width: 400px;height:auto;max-height: 400px;width: auto;}

I've tried vertical-align:middle; and display:table-cell; but haven't had any luck. Any suggestions to help me achieve the desired result would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

In order to center elements vertically within a fixed-height parent element, you can utilize the CSS property vertical-align: middle. This involves adding an extra element that is displayed as an inline-block, with zero width and full height.

Here is a sample HTML structure:

<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="centerer"></div>
    <img ...>
    <img ...>

And here is the accompanying CSS code:

.wrapper {
    height: 300px;
.centerer {
    display: inline-block;
    height: 100%;
    vertical-align: middle;
    width: 0;
.wrapper > img {
    vertical-align: middle;

You can view a demo of this technique on JS Bin.

If you are aware of the container's exact height, another approach is to set its line-height to the same value instead of using the additional div.centerer.

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