State change shows the previous and current values simultaneously

I've been working on updating the values of initUsers on the DOM. The initial state values work fine, but when I try to update initUsers, it displays different values than expected.

Essentially, entriesNum receives a number as an event and changes the order of the initUsers state value based on that number:

Enter Image J Here

to this :

enter image description here

const [iteratedUsers, setIteratedUsers] = useState([...users]);
const [Newobj, setNewobj] = useState([]);
const [isNewObj, setIsNewObj] = useState(false);
const [initUsers, setUsers] = useState(users);`
const entriesNum = (event) => {
  const newi = Math.ceil(5 /;

   for (let i = 0; i < newi; i++) {
    if (iteratedUsers.length >= {
        iteratedUsers.splice(0,, key, i) => {
          obj[i] = key;
          return obj;
        }, {})
    } else {
        iteratedUsers.splice(0).reduce((obj, key, i) => {
          obj[i] = key;
          return obj;
        }, {})

Due to having two forms of initUsers, I had to set up two ways of destructuring like this:

{isNewObj ? ) => (
    < >
      {Object.keys(objUser).map((numo) => (
          className="contacts-info  border-solid border-2 border-black table-row w-full "
          <input type={"checkbox"} className={`${shortcut}`} />
          <div className={`${shortcut}`}>
          <div className={`${shortcut}`}>
          <div className={`${shortcut}`}>
    </ >
  )) :{ index, handle, phone, email, access }) => (
      className="contacts-info  border-solid border-2 border-black table-row w-full "
      <input type={"checkbox"} className={`${shortcut}`} />
      <div className={`${shortcut}`}>{index}</div>
      <div className={`${shortcut}`}>{handle}</div>
      <div className={`${shortcut}`}>{phone}</div>
      <div className={`${shortcut}`}>{email}</div>
      <div className={`${shortcut}`}>{access}</div>

The second condition destructures the initUsers when it is not nested and shows the following result:

enter image description here

The first one destructures it in its nested form and shows the following result:

enter image description here

Instead of getting 5 rows, the result of destructuring the nested initUsers gives me 9.

Answer №1

To update the state in ReactJs, you should avoid using Newobj.push as it does not work with ReactJs state management. Instead, you can use setNewobj to set your new data.

Another way to update the state is by using setNewobj((prev) => [...prev,{}]). Here, prev represents the old data that you currently have.

Answer №2

React state remains constant, making direct modifications impossible.

When attempting to alter Newobj, opt for setNewobj([...Newobj]) as opposed to Newobj.push.

Once Newobj has been adjusted, execute setUsers(Newobj) followed by setNewobj([]);

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