Starting the Android System Magnifier with a Click: A Step-by-Step Guide

Is there a way to incorporate a magnifying glass into an HTML page using jQuery or within an Android app? Ideally, it would be for a single picture.

In my application, I am displaying an HTML file from my assets in a webview. The HTML page utilizes jQuery and a CSS file.

Within that HTML page, I display pictures, some of which have intricate details that require magnification or zooming.

The option to enable zooming in the webview is not ideal because I only want to allow zooming on individual pictures. Zooming on the entire page results in the text being scrolled up or down.

I have experimented with various magnifying JavaScripts, and although one worked on my computer, I was unable to move the magnifier lens or glass with my fingers on my phone.

After spending a day trying to solve this issue without success, could anyone provide assistance? Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

I recently completed this project on my own :-)
This webpage inspired me to figure it out and get it done.
Impressive coding overall, that's all I can say

The magnifier responds to clicks, making it perfect for use on a touch-screen phone.
Plus, you only need to link one image instead of both a small and large version.... :-)

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