Standalone component in Angular Material may experience undefined CSS variables

Currently, I am utilizing Angular 15 in conjunction with @angular/material. One of the features I have implemented is a standalone component that incorporates mat-dialog-title, mat-dialog-content, and mat-dialog-actions. This particular component is designed to work alongside MatDialog. However, upon rendering the component within the dialog, I've noticed that certain CSS variables sourced from the material library are undefined while others remain unaffected.

I am perplexed as to why some variables are defined and others are not, leading to an awkward appearance in terms of styling. Could there be another module dependency that I need to import aside from just MatDialogModule in the standalone component?

Initially, I assumed this wouldn't be an issue since the component stands on its own. However, it's worth mentioning that the component resides in a separate library project (where it was exported from).

Answer №1

After encountering the same issue with Angular Material version 16.1.6, I spent hours scouring through the SCSS files of @angular/material in search of a solution, but to no avail.

As a last resort, I decided to upgrade to the latest version of Angular Material (in this case, 16.2.0), and miraculously, the CSS variables appeared.

Upon examining the changes, it appears that they had removed some outdated components. Unfortunately, the exact cause of the issue remains unclear.

Answer №2

Dealing with the same problem, I found a solution that worked for me. I needed to address the issue of undefined variables in my src/styles.scss file right after the "include" statement that brought in my theme definitions:

html {
    @include mat.all-component-themes($light-theme);

    /* Set variables here: */
    --mdc-dialog-supporting-text-line-height: 14px;
    --mdc-dialog-supporting-text-size: 14px;
    /* and so on */

Answer №3

I am encountering a similar issue.

In an attempt to define custom CSS properties within the SCSS file of a standalone component, I have structured it like this:

:root {
        --card-padding: 32px;
        --card-padding-half: 16px;
        --card-padding-xs: 16px;

Strangely, I am unable to access these custom properties even within the same Angular component SCSS!

=> It appears that Angular is performing some sort of manipulation with the ':root' pseudo-element when functioning within a standalone component.

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