Stacking background images in CSS above other contained elements in a div

I've been experimenting with adjusting the z-index of elements in my code but haven't had any luck. Is it even possible to achieve what I want?

Within a div element, I have set a background image using CSS. Inside this div, there are other elements like divs and images. My goal is to keep the main div with the background image on top so that the rounded corners of the image show above the other elements.

Here's an example of the HTML:

<div id="mainWrapperDivWithBGImage">
   <div id="anotherDiv">
      <!-- Display this img behind the background image 
      of the #mainWrapperDivWithBGImage div -->
      <img src="myLargeImage.jpg" />

And here's an example of the CSS:

/* How can I make the bg image of this div show on top of other elements contained
   Is this even possible? */

#mainWrapperDivWithBGImage {
  background: url("myImageWithRoundedCorners.jpg") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
  height: 248px;
  margin: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  padding: 3px 0 0 3px;
  width: 996px;

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, my recommendation is to include a span (or multiple spans) with absolutely positioned styles z-index: 100; and

background: url("myImageWithRoundedCorners.jpg");
within the container div #mainWrapperDivWithBGImage.

Answer №2

To ensure that the rounded corners of the background image are visible, consider increasing the padding style of the main div. This will provide enough space for the corners to be fully displayed.

Adjust the padding of the main div like this:

    background: url("roundedCornersImage.jpg") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;   
    height: 300px;   
    margin: 0;   
    overflow: hidden;   
    padding: 20px 20px;   
    width: 1200px; 

Note: The assumed radius of the rounded corners is 10px.

Answer №3

One idea could be to divide the

<div id="mainWrapperDivWithBGImage">
into three separate divs. The two outer divs can hold the rounded corners images, while the middle div can have a background-color that matches the rounded corner images. This way, you can easily place other elements inside the middle div. Alternatively, you can try:

#outside_left{width:10px; float:left;}
#outside_right{width:10px; float:right;}
#middle{background-color:#color of rnd_crnrs_foo.gif; float:left;}



<div id="mainWrapperDivWithBGImage">
  <div id="outside_left><img src="rnd_crnrs_left.gif" /></div>
  <div id="middle">
    <div id="another_div"><img src="foo.gif" /></div>
  <div id="outside_right><img src="rnd_crnrs_right.gif" /></div>

You might need to use position:relative; and similar CSS properties for alignment.

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