I came across this interesting example (jsfiddle) that is almost perfect for my needs. However, I require the user to be able to interact with the roulette by "grabbing" it with the mouse and spinning it just like you would in real life with your hand.
Essentially, the idea is to click and hold on the wheel, have it "stick" to the mouse cursor, then move the mouse left or right before releasing the button, causing the wheel to spin until it comes to a stop.
Additionally, I'm curious if there's a way to predetermine the order in which the wheel stops even when the user is interacting with it in this manner.
Here is the jsFiddle code snippet for reference:
var overWheel = false;
var mouseDown = false;
var lastMousePos = 0;
$('.wheel').on('mouseover', function(){
overWheel = true;
}).on('mouseout', function(){
overWheel = false;
$(document).on('mousedown', function(e){
lastMousePos = e.offsetY;
mouseDown = true;
}).on('mouseup', function(){
mouseDown = false;
$(document).on('mousemove', function(e){
if(overWheel && mouseDown){
function handleWheel(e) {
var yPos = e.offsetY;
var direction = 0;
var deg = getRotationDegrees($('.wheel'));
if(yPos < lastMousePos){ // mouse is going up, move against the clock
direction = -2;
} else { //mouse is going down, move with the clock
direction = 2;
$('.wheel').css({'-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + (deg + (direction)) + 'deg)'});
function getRotationDegrees(obj){
var matrix = obj.css("-webkit-transform");
if(matrix !== 'none') {
var values = matrix.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',');
var a = values[0];
var b = values[1];
var angle = Math.round(Math.atan2(b, a) * (180/Math.PI));
} else { var angle = 0; }
return angle;