Specification for dynamically changing CSS in Bootstrap tooltips

The default tooltip template in Bootstrap is a black box with white text. However, it is possible to modify the .tooltip css class to have a white background instead:

.tooltip.left{margin-left:-10px;text-align:right; position: absolute}
.tooltip.top .tooltip-arrow{bottom:-5px;left:50%;margin-left:-5px;border-top-color:white;border-width:5px 5px 0}
.tooltip.right .tooltip-arrow{top:50%;left:-5px;margin-top:-5px;border-right-color:white;border-width:5px 5px 5px 0}
.tooltip.left .tooltip-arrow{top:50%;right:-5px;margin-top:-5px;border-left-color:white;border-width:5px 0 5px 5px}
.tooltip.bottom .tooltip-arrow{top:-5px;left:50%;margin-left:-5px;border-bottom-color:white;border-width:0 5px 5px}

If I want to change the tooltip template dynamically in an Angular directive:

angular.module("app", []).directive("tooltip", function(){
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        scope: {
            title: "@",
            template: "@"
        link: function(scope, element){
                title: scope.title,
                placement: "right",

For example, red-tooltip or blue-tooltip can be used:

<div ng-app="app">
    <a href="#" tooltip title="Title-1" template="red-tooltip">Title-1</a>
    <a href="#" tooltip title="Title-2" template="blue-tooltip">Title-2</a>

However, applying different overridden tooltip css classes may not work as expected.

Click here for a DEMO.

Answer №1

To update your link functionality, simply edit the code below:

    link: function(scope, element, attrs){
            title: scope.title,
            placement: "right",

Answer №2

When dealing with Tooltips, it's important to remember that styling involves two distinct elements - the arrow element and the box element.

The generated markup for a Tooltip often includes two divs - tooltip-arrow and tooltip-inner, as demonstrated here. To ensure consistency in color, both of these elements need to be styled accordingly.

Prior to applying styles, you must determine whether you want a red or blue Tooltip after rendering. There are 2 methods to achieve this:

  1. Add a CSS class to the element, similar to Ivan's example below

    link: function(scope, element, attrs){
            title: scope.title,
            placement: "right",
  2. Utilize the template attribute from your original markup and adjust your CSS selectors accordingly.

I personally prefer using class-selectors over attribute-selectors, which is why I have defined the styles for a red Tooltip as follows.

.red-tooltip + .tooltip.right .tooltip-arrow{ 
    border-right-color: red; 

.red-tooltip + .tooltip .tooltip-inner{ 
    background-color: red ; 
    color: white;

In the above code snippet, we use an adjacent selector to target the sibling of the .red-tooltip class within a .tooltip class containing both the .tooltip-arrow and .tooltip-inner divs. This ensures uniform coloration for both elements, resulting in a red-tooltip appearance.

For further clarification, refer to this sample Fiddle with the mentioned adjustments.

Note : Customizing Arrow elements in Tooltips can be challenging. Depending on the positioning (top, right, bottom, left), separate styles for border colors may be necessary. In your case, where right is used as the Tooltip placement, I specifically set border-right-color for the tooltip-arrow class. For comprehensive support across all placements, similar styles would need to be defined for each one.

.red-tooltip + .tooltip.left .tooltip-arrow{ 
    border-left-color: red; 

.red-tooltip + .tooltip.bottom .tooltip-arrow{ 
    border-bottom-color: red; 

Hopefully, this explanation proves helpful and informative :)

Answer №3

To resolve your issue, simply update your CSS code. Visit the JSFiddle link provided and copy the following class:

.tooltip-inner {color: #f00;}

This solution should effectively address your problem.

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