slow loading background slideshow in css

Creating a simple slideshow for the background using CSS has been successful, but I am facing an issue with making all backgrounds utilize background-size: cover. I want the images to fit properly on the screen.

Another problem is that the pictures take around 2 seconds to load when the website is first opened, resulting in a white screen before the images appear.

Additionally, I would like to ensure that the website is responsive by adjusting the size of the background pictures based on the screen size. However, figuring out the correct approach without affecting the keyframes poses a challenge for me.

I have made progress on setting different percentages for each picture, aiming to extend their display time while maintaining quicker rotation animation. Below is the code snippet where this implementation can be seen:

body {
background-size: cover;
animation: div 25s infinite;
height: 100vh;
margin: 0;

@keyframes div {
0% {background-image: url("4.jpg"); opacity: 1;}
15% {background-image: url("4.jpg"); opacity: 1;}
25% {background-image: url("3.jpg"); opacity: 1;}
35% {background-image: url("3.jpg"); opacity: 1;}
45% {background-image: url("1.jpg"); opacity: 1;}
55% {background-image: url("1.jpg"); opacity: 1;}
65% {background-image: url("5.jpg"); opacity: 1;}
75% {background-image: url("5.jpg"); opacity: 1;}
85% {background-image: url("4.jpg"); opacity: 1;}
100% {background-image: url("4.jpg"); opacity: 1;}

The link to the website showcasing this background slideshow can be accessed here:

Answer №1

An issue that is commonly encountered is when a high-quality image loads slowly on a webpage, initially appearing as white space. If you are facing this problem, this resource offers some solutions.

To ensure your website is responsive, make sure to include the following viewport element:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

The width=device-width attribute adjusts the page width based on the device's screen width.

The initial-scale=1.0 attribute sets the initial zoom level when the page is loaded in a browser for the first time.

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