Sliding Text Effect using JQuery

I am looking to create a text animation that slides in from the left. The text should include three fields: Sports Cargo Bag, $14, and Sale $25.

I want to achieve this effect using jQuery, similar to the animation in this example. Here is my current code on JsFiddle. While I have set up the headline texts, I would like to utilize a jQuery method for setting these texts dynamically.


 <div id="mainContainer">

    <div id="logdo">
     <img  src=""/>
         <div id="images">
        <img id="introImg" src=""/></div>
    <div id="headlineText">
        <p id="headline1Txt" ></p>
        <p id="headline2Txt" ></p>
   <p id="headline3Txt" ></p>


    <button class="btn btn-primary" id="ctaBtn" type="button">SHOP NOW</button>



* {


#mainContainer{ text-align: center;
    border:5px solid #BACAE4;

    overflow: hidden;
    position: fixed;




#headlineText p
    text-align: center;
    position: absolute;




Answer №1

Let's go over an easy technique:

To streamline the process, swap out all of your existing javascript in the fiddle with


If you prefer, you can incorporate a delay of half a second before the animation starts:


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