Slideshow plugin glitch on Safari and Opera caused by jQuery implementation

My current project involves utilizing a fantastic plugin called Sequence.js for creating animations and transitions with CSS3 based on jQuery. I have set up a simple responsive fadeIn-fadeOut slideshow using this plugin.

While everything works smoothly and as expected on Chrome and Firefox, I am facing issues with Opera where the entire animation gets stuck. Additionally, Safari is causing some strange behavior - the frame initially fades in, then disappears shortly after, reappears after about 5 seconds (when the next frame should start animating), fades out, and the cycle repeats.

I'm struggling to understand why this is happening. You can see the issue in action here:

Any suggestions on how to fix this problem so that it works seamlessly like it does on Chrome/Firefox or even with fallback support for IE?

Answer №1

After experimenting with the inspector tool in Safari, it appears that there is a preference for having a specified height for the container element #sequence. However, the reasoning behind this requirement remains elusive to me. Interestingly, Opera also seems to favor the inclusion of a height attribute in the CSS. Currently, the behavior of the script is inconsistent - sometimes functioning correctly and other times failing. The root cause of this inconsistency continues to baffle me.

Although I am marking this issue as "resolved", I am eager to understand the underlying reasons behind it. Can anyone provide some insight into this perplexing situation?

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